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Jen's Story

25 years disordered to 11 years recovered

​My tumultuous relationship with food and my body started at age 5.


I was in dance class and I looked in the mirror. ​I noticed that I looked different from the other little girls. ​I noticed that my thighs touched together and theirs did not. ​I noticed that my leotard looke lumpy and bumby against my body while thiers looked smooth. ​And in that moment, for whatever reason, I decided that there was something wrong with me. 


Next came my food obsession.


From that point on I was always interested in it and I couldn't seem to get enough of it. ​That combined with a typical standard American diet with no limitations, I became overweight. ​As an overweight child I was ridiculed frequently by other kids...and sadly, sometimes by adults. ​One day I was pitching in a little league softball game and the coach yelled at me "Throw harder than that! You're a BIG GIRL!" 


I was a very active and athletic kid until one day my weight started to make an impact. ​At age 10, I discovered that I couldn't do certain moves in my tae kwon do class, and so...I went on my first diet. ​I yo-yo dieted until I was 16, desperately trying to counteract my food obsession, until one day, after learning it from a 90s tv-movie, I became bulimic. ​By age 20 I was binging and purging so much that I was unable to function.


I decided to ask for help and told my parents. ​I was sent to a residential treatment center where I stayed for 3 months. ​I was taught that I was a food addict and needed to stay abstinent from sugar. ​I relapsed not long after leaving treatment and spent the decade of my 20s relapsing on and off. 


I went to college for nutrition hoping that if I could understand food that I could have more control over it. ​Ironically, I graduated feeling even more confused about food than when I had started studying it. ​After college I didn't give up and continued my quest to understand food on my own. 


At age 30 I discovered something that changed my perspective on food entirely and it was the catalyst to changing my relationship with food permanently. ​I spent the next decade of my life learning, evolving, and healing deeper than I ever imagined. 


Today, at 41 years old, I have created lasting harmony with food and peace with my body. ​The crazy thing is, I was told it wasn't possible. I was told that I would likely always struggle to some extent and that my eating disorder would always be part of me. ​In my experience, this is not true and I will happily challenge anyone on that notion.


Over the years I've worked a lot of unfulfilling jobs and spent a lot of time wondering how to use my education and experience to help others. It wasn't until I became a coach that my vision for how I could help people started to take shape. 


From living 25 years disordered and 11 years recovered, I discovered a missing link in both the treatment and education I received. There was a lack of focus on my relationship with food and body. That is the work I had to do on my own in order to create lasting change, and today, that is the work I am commited to doing with others. 


What's it like to work with me?

Jen at desk in green interested.jpg

Jen's Professional Background



Bachelor of Science in Health Science
University of North Florida

I had been on the path to becomming a registered dietitian, but chose not to pursue the remaining requirements (internship & exam) because I still hadn't learned how to create a healthy relationship with food and body. It seemed dishonest and potentially harmful to pursue a career in advising people when I was still so lost myself. 

Certifications & Credentials


Certified Life Coach Institute

I completed 70 hours of ICF accredited coach training and became a Master Certified Life Coach. 


International Coaching Federation (ICF)

I earned an Associate Certifed Coach (ACC) credential which in additional to my training signified 10 hours of mentoring, 100 hours of coaching experience, passing a coaching evaluation, and passing a credentialing exam. 


Coach Training World

I completed 23 hours of accredited training and received a Trauma Informed Coach certification. This certification equips me with the ability to recognize signs of trauma and discern when coaching is not appropriate or needs to be combined with additional help from a liscensed mental health professional. 


International Coaching Federation (ICF)

I earned a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) credential which signifies 125 hours of accredited coach training, 20 hours of mentoring, 500 hours of coaching experience, and passing 2 coaching evaluations. 

Additional Training & Relevant Experience

  • Applied Neuroscience & Brain Health taught by Dr. Sarah McKay

  • Food as Medicine taught by Cindi Lockhart, RD

  • Breaking the Hunger Habit taught by Dr. Judd Brewer

  • Intuitive Eating by Elyse Resch & Evelyn Tribole

  • Overeater's Anonymous (OA) 12-Step Program 

  • Intro to Internal Family Systems (IFS) taught by Dr. Frank Anderson

  • IFS as Medicine taught by Dr. Lissa Rankin & Dr. Frank Anderson

  • Positive Intelligence PQ Program by Shirzad Charmine

  • The RAIN of Self Compassion by Tara Brach

Trauma informed coaching & consulting and more

Learn more about my services

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